

英漢字典: go under

1. (of person)fail;be defeated破產

    The filling station went under because there were too many others on the street. 這個加油站破產了,因為在這條街上有好多家。

    He failed in speculation and went under. 他投機失敗而告破產。

    His business has gone under. 他的生意虧本了。

2. (of things)sink沉沒

    The ship struck upon a rock and soon went under. 船觸岩石而迅速沉沒了。

    The ship hit an icebery and went under. 船觸冰山而沉沒。

3. (of the sun)set(日)落

    The sun has gone under. 太陽已落山。

4. die死亡

    He went under in the war. 他在戰爭中陣亡了。

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